Eden Academy Trust

Training and Your Learning

The programme begins with a five-day conference, where you’ll meet your fellow trainees and start to build a foundation of expertise to underpin your teacher training year.


Following the conference, you will begin your main placement in a school, where you’ll experience a mix of study modules, live training sessions and classroom practice. Study modules can be completed at your own pace through our online learning platform, which will provide you with a foundation of theory to build your practice on.


At every stage, you'll be guided by your own personal mentor.


How youll learn 

You’ll learn through a combination of weekly self-guided learning, face-to-face and online sessions with other trainees. These sessions are paced and structured to give you the opportunity to take a complex area of teaching and unpick it with the help of education experts.


Your practice builds straight from your weekly study activities and includes classroom teaching practice, peer support and one-to-one coaching from your mentor.


Youll also have:

  •  Focused topic weeks where we take a complex area of teaching and study it with the help of additional experts in education.
  •  Additional placement days outside of your school where you will experience the breadth of the education system in England.


What you'll learn 


You’ll learn about what makes a good teacher and put this learning into practice inside and outside the classroom. At every step, you will be supported by your own dedicated teaching mentor.


Teacher Training is divided into five strands:

  • Behaviour: How you can create calm, safe and purposeful places of learning where all children and young people can achieve.
  • Instruction: How you can support all children and young people to learn in the classroom – from thinking about how you present information to helping them learn independently in lessons.
  • Curriculum: How you can design lessons and curricula that help children and young people learn new and more complex ideas over time.
  • Assessment: How you can better understand the impact your teaching is having and how to respond when your pupils struggle.
  • Professionalism: Looking at what it is to be a teacher and how to prepare for your professional career.

Each module starts by introducing you to the ideas and theories underpinning the practice. You will then learn, step-by-step, how to apply these ideas in the classroom. Your tutors and mentor will make sure you have plenty of opportunities to see great teaching in action and understand the key learning before you put it into practice yourself.


We have designed the curriculum so that you:

  • Build confidence in teaching your subject.
  • Focus intensely on areas of teaching we know can be complex and difficult to master.
  • Tackle areas, like pupil behaviour, right from the beginning of your training.
  • Revisit all your learning over time so that you keep improving.

Apply NOW to Train to Teach with Eden


Got a question?

Drop us an email: itt@edenacademytrust.co.uk