Eden Academy Trust


At Eden Academy Trust...


‘Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a role to play in safeguarding children. In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, all professionals should make sure their approach is child-centred. This means that they should consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child.'

Staff members working with children are advised to maintain an attitude of ‘it could happen here’ where safeguarding is concerned. When concerned about the welfare of a child, staff members should always act in the best interests of the child

(Keeping Children Safe in Education – Rev. Sept. 2024)


Trust Safeguarding Lead


To ensure all of the children in our Trust are kept safe, we have a Trust Safeguarding Lead (Mrs Cumming) who regularly monitors provision, challenges Schools on their practice and is a point of contact for any parent of children in our Trust if you feel your concerns are not being met.

Contact Mrs Cumming via: 

Email: safeguardinglead@edenacademytrust.co.uk


Also a part of the Trust Safeguarding Team are:


Mr Liam Wright

Email: LWright@edenacademytrust.co.uk


Link Safeguarding Trustee

The Trust also has a Trustee responsible for the oversight of Safeguarding across the Trust Schools. Mr Alan Clark.

As a current social worker and with a vast educational background, Alan has the proven expertise to monitor ( and challenge ) the Trust's safeguarding practices - ensuring all children remain safe whilst in our care.

Alan can be contacted via aclark@edenacademytrust.co.uk


School Safeguarding Teams

Each School within our Trust also has their own Safeguarding Officer/Team who will ensure Children remain safe, but also act upon any concerns or disclosures you may have.


The Safeguarding Leads and contact details of each School are:


Stranton Primary School

Mrs Karla Grant                  strantonht@edenacademytrust.co.uk

Mrs Lorna Johnson             ljohnson@edenacademytrust.co.uk

Miss Catherine Sengelow  csengelow@edenacademytrust.co.uk



Eskdale Academy

Mr Neil Voisey               eskdaleht@edenacademytrust.co.uk

Miss Toni Pierse            tpierse@edenacademytrustt.co.uk

Miss Sarah Rennie        srennie@edenacademytrust.co.uk


Jesmond Gardens Primary School

Mr Philip Pritchard       ppritchard@edenacademytrust.co.uk

Rebecca Nicholson       jesmondht@edenacademytrust.co.uk

Carli Goodwin               cgoodwin@edenacademytrust.co.uk


Bluebell Meadow Primary School

Mrs Kayleigh Wilkin     BluebellHT@edenacademytrust.co.uk

Anna Cumming            acumming@edenacademytrust.co.uk

Tammy Willis                tmascherenas@edenacademytrust.co.uk


Fishburn Primary School

Mr Richy Parkin            HTFishburn@edenacademytrust.co.uk

Mrs Beth Murray          BMurray@edenacademytrust.co.uk

Mrs Rebecca Kett         Rkett@edenacademytrust.co.uk



Reporting a concern out of Hours


If your concern is out of Hours...



( Stranton, Eskdale Academy, Jesmond Gardens Primary School)

The LA Out of Hours team can be reached on (01429) 523878 or 08702402994 



(Bluebell Meadow Primary School and Fishburn Primary School)

The LA Out of Hours team can be reached on 07918580460 or 03000267979


 Safeguarding Complaint



If a Staff member or volunteer is suspected of behaving in a way that could have harmed a child, then School Safeguarding procedures will be followed and a referral made to the Local Authority Safeguarding Officer (LADO).



The LADO for Hartlepool is Phil Curtis ( phil.curtis@hartlepool.gov.uk)

The LADO for Durham is Sharon Lewis ( CYPSLADOSECURE@durham.gov.uk)


Useful External Sources

Keeping Children Safe in Education - September 2024

Working together to safeguard children - September 2018