Eden Academy Trust

trust Resource committee (Inc.audit and risk)

Audit / Resource Committee Members



Mr Alan Clark - Chair

Mrs Gillian Slimings

Mr Joseph Saunders

Mr Simon Dove


Terms of Reference


To assist the decision making of the Board of Trustees by enabling more detailed consideration to be given to the best means of fulfilling the Board of Trustee’s responsibility to ensure sound management of the Trust’s finances, staffing and resources, including proper planning, monitoring and probity.


To make appropriate comments and recommendations on such matters to the Board of Trustees on a regular basis. Major issues will be referred to the Board of Trustees for ratification.


Frequency of meetings

There should be a minimum of three meetings in each financial year.


Membership and Quorum

At least three Trustees shall be a member of the committee.


The Chair of the committee will be elected by the committee on an annual basis at the first meeting in the autumn term. No Director employed at the Academy will act as Chair to the committee. In the absence of the Chair, the committee will elect a temporary replacement from among the governors present at the committee meeting.


The quorum is three Trustees who are members of the committee (or where greater any one third of the Trustees holding office at the date of the meeting).



The clerk of the committee will circulate an agenda for each meeting and papers at least 7 days before the committee meeting


Attendance at each committee meeting, issues discussed and recommendations for decisions will be recorded. The written record will be included on the agenda and papers of the next meeting of the Board of Trustees.


Only Trustees who are members of the committee may vote at committee meetings. Where necessary, the elected Chair of the committee may have a second or casting vote.


In the event of a need to make genuinely urgent decisions between meetings on matters falling within the remit of the committee, the Chair of the Trustees, in consultation with the CEO and Chair of the Committee will take appropriate action on behalf of the committee.


Main Duties


  1. To establish and maintain a transparent system of prudent and effective internal controls
  2. To consider the Trust's indicative funding, notified annually by the EFA, and in consultation with the Local Governing Body to assess its implications for the Trust, in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer, Head Teachers/Head of Schools, in advance of the financial year, drawing any matters of significance or concern to the attention of the Board of Trustees.
  3. To consider and recommend acceptance/non-acceptance of the Trust's budget, prior to the start of each financial year, and in line with DfE deadlines.
  4. To monitor the delivery of services in order to maximise value for money by ensuring services are delivered in the most economical, efficient and effective way within available resources
  5. To contribute to the formulation of the Trust’s development plan, through the consideration of financial priorities and proposals, in consultation with the Local Governing Body, Chief Executive Officer /Head Teachers/Head of Schools, and within the stated and agreed aims and objectives of the Trust.
  6. To liaise with and receive reports from the other committees of the Board of Trustees, including the Local Governing Bodies, as appropriate, and to make recommendations to those committees about the financial aspects of matters being considered by them.
  7. To monitor and review expenditure on a regular basis, in consultation with the Local Governing Body, and ensure compliance with the overall financial plan for the Trust, and with the financial regulations of the DfE, drawing any matters of concern to the attention of the Board of Trustees.
  8. To ensure the Trust has adequate insurance cover to support its activities and to comply with statutory requirements including building and contents, business interruption, employers and public liability cover and for vehicles operated by the Trust.
  9. To determine the staffing complement for the individual Academies in line with the Trust Development Plan and oversee any staffing reduction or appointment procedures as necessary including consultation with teacher associations and trade unions as appropriate.
  10. To ensure safeguarding procedures including safer recruitment are in place and at least one governor in each Academy has completed the safeguarding training with the Head Teacher/Head of School.
  11. To conduct agreed arrangements for recruitment and selection of all Trust staff (unless delegated to a separate committee or the Head Teacher/Head of School)
  12. To oversee the application of the pay policy


Delegated Functions


  • To approve the first formal balanced budget plan each financial year.
  • To ensure that grants are spent only for the purposes intended and in compliance with any requirements.
  • To make recommendations relating to investments to the full Board of Trustees and ensure all transactions are reported promptly.
  • To be responsible, in conjunction with the Trusts Finance Director and the appointed Responsible Officer, for a programme of works for internal audit for all schools in the Trust.
  • To receive reports (annual reports, management letters etc) from the external auditor and other bodies, for example the EFSA, and consider any issues raised, the associated management response and action plans. Where deemed appropriate, reports should be referred to the Board or other committee for information and action 
  • To consider future student rolls and income levels.
  • To manage tendering processes and the awarding of contracts over £50,000.
  • To consider requests for disposal of obsolete stock.
  • To attend training where appropriate.
  • To draft leadership job descriptions for approval by the full Board of Trustees.
  • To consider work/life balance, working conditions and well-being, including the monitoring of absence levels.
  • To receive reports and monitor status of any staffing issues.
  • To agree and conduct procedures including staff hearings and appeals for capability, discipline, dismissal, grievance, attendance, whistle blowing and staff welfare issues. 1*
  • To set the terms and conditions of service for staff, having regard to any TUPE implications.
  • To investigate irregularities (other than where the Chief Executive Officer, Head Teacher/Head of School is suspected), conduct personnel procedures regarding suspension/ending of staff contracts including dismissal procedures in line with agreed policies.
  • To recommend to the Board of Trustees the pay policy for the Trust
  • To ensure that Health & Safety Policies are robust and consistently implemented.
  • To ensure that each Academy has Business Continuity Plans in place.
  • To promote community cohesion and good community relations.
  • To ensure that the Trust and Academies hold and manage information and personal data securely and in accordance with all relevant legislation and guidance. 
  • To ensure compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty and have due regard to:
  • Eliminate discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act 2010
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it
  • Foster good relations across all characteristics – between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not
  • To publish information to demonstrate how the Trust is complying with the Public Sector Equality Duty on an annual basis and to prepare and publish equality objectives at least once every three years.
  • To approve Trust Policies