Eden Academy Trust

ECT Registration and Onboarding

Registering Your New ECT


There are three main areas to complete the ECT registration process. Please make sure the details you enter in these systems are accurate, and that they all match, as any data-conflicts can slow down the registration process. 


Step 1: Register your ECT with the DfE on their ECT Portal. Please make sure the ECTs Mentor is identified on this page, and that Ambition Institute is listed as the Materials Provider. 


 Step 2: Register your with an Appropriate Body. We recommend Tees Valley Teaching School Hub, but there are other options out there if you already have a relationship with them. Please make sure the Induction Tutor is identified here. 


Step 3: Make sure all ECTs, Mentors and Induction Tutors have completed their Steplab Access Form. This will be sent out as an automated email once Step 1 and Step 2 have been completed. 


New ECTs and New Mentors will be required to attend training at the start of the induction, so please ensure you communicate with Eden Academy Trust about arranging this after the registration process is complete. 


For any queries, please contact Simon or Jess who will be happy to support you through the process. 


