Eden Academy Trust


My name is Scott Smith and I am Trust Director for Computing


Why is Computing important to me?

Computing is the future! The technological advancement of humanity over the last generation has been staggering; this trend will repeat as computers, the internet and artificial intelligence advance at a more rapid pace. I’m motivated to ensure our children are aware of the latest technology, have confidence exploring physical systems, and have an insight into potential careers they could aspire towards.


What is the Trust vision for Computing?

The vision for Computing within Eden Academy Trust is to ensure children become digitally literate; and are able to safely use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology. Our aim is to achieve this at a level suitable for the future workplace to allow children to be active participants in an ever-changing, digital world. We want children to learn Computing in such a way that it alters their long-term, computational thinking relating to using and creating different programs, as well as understanding how digital systems work.